Friday, January 11, 2008

As I sit alone and think...

Alot is going through my mind, it tends to happen when I have nothing to do. Currently I'm thinking about how it feels like school will never end. I can't pinpoint why I feel like I'm in the circular file of life but I do. I love school, don't get me wrong, it's just that I'm so excited about working in the field of psychology that I can't wait to be done with this portion of school so I can move on with the next portion of life. I've talked to some people about some of the options that I have for life in general and they really aren't available (in the way that I would like them to be available anyway) until I'm done with school, I'm talking done done, like Ph.D. done. Sooo, at the rate I'm going now I'll never be done and I'll always be wishing for something better.

On that topic, it is very difficult for me to be content with my current circumstances, whatever they may be. I'm the type of person that would be discontent being a millionaire. I always feel like something else will bring me happiness. I find it very difficult to see the joy in the here and now. There ARE a few things that I feel very content with, my wife, my family, and my future. I know the last one sounds a bit contradictory but I'm content with what the future holds in relation to what my plans are at this moment. I plan to finish my undergrad by the end of this year, then move straight into my graduate work at the same school. After that if I feel the like going straight into the Ph.D. thing then I will but I think I'll want to take a bit of time off. Other than that my future is sort of left to wherever the wind takes me.


Grammy Van said...

Well what can I say but - just be happy with the here and now. If you are always looking for something else to make you happy it'll never happen. Life is way too short to always be looking for something else. Before you know it school will be done, you'll have a HOUSEFULL of kiddos!!! LOL and you'll wish you were back in this time of life! LOL So... take it from someone who knows - ENJOY this time in your life, it'll be gone before you know it!! Love, MOM

Lisa said...

I agree with your mom. These are the times of OUR lives! Let's make the best of them! I say we run away to Italy and leave everything else behind...or at least visit for a week! :) School will be over soon and then you'll be stuck working all the time like me so be grateful for the here and now!

JanVan said...

Um Adam wont be happy as a millionaire either he wants more. The kids will come when they come and you will find its not always as planned.So when they do come plans will change. All of us have a bunch of stuff going on right now huh. You and Lisa are going to Europe and Adam and I are going to Belize and Hondouras. We got your present for Abby... thank you those are perfect outfits. She can wear them at church and for play. We really need to visit the two of you. I wasnt ready for the semester to start. I didnt have my books and felt well unorganized. Im feeling somewhat caught up and hopefully it will be a good semester. Love Adam Janae and Abby